
"Undeva, cam la mijlocul cimitirului, se ridică o „ştibl” masivă, de piatră, semn al credinţei celor ce se odihnesc înăuntru, dar şi al avuţiei lor. La exterior, o placă de marmură masivă spune că acolo este înhumată o familie, soţ şi soţie. Textul de pe piatră, potrivit unei legende transmise din generaţie în generaţie, a fost scris de însuşi Rabinul Arie Rosen, tatăl Excelenţei Sale, dr. Moses Rosen, ale cărui rădăcini moineştene sunt deja  ştiute." 
Din articolul  Fundaţia LEOLAM (ETERNITATE) şi un simbol al veşniciei: Cimitirul Evreiesc din Moineşti, Bacău.  Autor: Beatrice Kohlenberg, Toronto 

Cu ocazia evenimentului "Porţi deschise" organizat de Fundaţia Leolam în anul 2014, o placă care era pe acest ştibl a fost adusă în casa funerară şi rearanjată cu ajutorul elevilor care au participat.


Traducerea celeilalte plăci  a fost făcută de Sivan şi Orr Sela, cărora le mulţumim.

"Tatăl celui care e inmormantat aici
Baruh Iehiel, care era şi Cohen
A văzut lumina din Buceci (orăşel în Ucraina)
A născut un băiat şi l-a numit după el
Mama care l-a născut a murit în timpul naşterii
A fost foarte religios şi cu fapte bune
Şi a mers după rabinii (vechi) şi i-a apreciat foate mult
Ce-au spus înţelepţii nu le-au luat ca lucruri simple
Când a murit tatăl lui avea 13 ani 
Era bogat şi era foarte respectat
A găsit o soţie foarte buna
Au trăit 55 de ani împreună
Şi  când era pe moarte au venit Cohanimii să-l binecuvânteze
Şi a dat pământ şi după ce a murit
Şi atunci a murit pe 2 Elul.
Toţi fiii tăi vor fi ucenici ai Domnului, şi mare va fi propăşirea fiilor tăi.

"The sign says Avraham David Cohen and Rivka. He was a Cohen, Rivka might be his wife that is buried beside him and she has her own big sign like he has. The one that is broken and is at the entrance hall. His name was Avraham David son of Baruch Yehiel HaCohen from Buczacz Buchach."


      "Arrived in Moineşti (Moynesht), my maternal grandparents' native town in Romanian Moldova, for my first visit, the evening of Sept. 24 in torrential rain. The town derives its name from moină, meaning drizzle, but this was no moină.
    The next morning, the weather seemed questionable for a visit to the Jewish Cemetery, the most significant legacy of the town's rich Jewish culture in the late 1800s until the early 1920s. We decided to take a chance. During my drive there, with second cousin Sivan Sela  and her son Orr Sela, the sun started coming out. As soon as I set eyes on the cemetery, with its weathered gravestones, I felt deeply moved and teared up... the depth of my emotions surprised me. Entering the Cemetery House and viewing the religious ritual items, including the platform where the deceased wrapped body was placed prior to burial seemed very sacred to me.

     Upon walking into the graveyard, more tears were shed as I viewed and touched my closest ancestors' gravestones. However, we searched for hours before finally finding my great-grandmother Rebeca's gravestone, which had broken off so the inscription could not be viewed. My nephew Orr Sela lifted it up slightly and read, "Rifka bat Nachman!" Chills ran through my body as we all yelled, "This is she!" Unbelievable how we found it! We cleaned and rested the gravestone face up so she could be honored properly. It was truly spiritual today... the sun coming out, the team work as we found her grave and lifted up the headstone and cleaned it, and then the image of all my 5 ancestors' graves in one picture... truly AMAZING! Thank you from the bottom of my heart Mihaela Rd and Coca, cemetery keeper, for all your help and generosity... and Ggm Rifka for perhaps guiding us your way so we could take care of your grave..."
                                                                                                                      Andrea Bernard

The Last Witness (English) - By Hedi Enghelberg

Thanks to Hedi Enghelberg that donated three books to Leolam Foundation.

For buying, contact us by email.

"The Last Witness" was a Category Finalist in the 2014 Eric Hoffer Book Awards. The Eric Hoffer Book Award was created to promote writers, authors, and independent presses. 

NYC, MAY 3-4, 2014 | I am sad to announce, that Mr. David Stoliar (Z"L), the only sea Survivor of the Jewish refugees ship MV Struma, torpedoed Feb 24, 1942, in the South Black Sea, passed, at age 92, in his sleep, in Bend, Oregon, Saturday, May 03rd, 0:31 AM. He is survived by his wife, Marda Stoliar, and a son. The burial was at the Historic Cemetery in Prineville Oregon, at Noon, May 6, 2014, Pacific Time. Prineville is situated at about 40 miles from Bend and the Historic Cemetery is dedicated to the West pioneers. David Stoliar will be the first Jewish person buried there. The ceremony will be conducted by a Rabbi and about 100 persons will attend. 

David Stoliar was born in Chishinev (Kishinev, actual Republic of Moldova/See Jewish pogroms and WWII killing of 10,000+ Jews by Einsatzgruppen), in 1922. The family moved to France, where his mother has family, and resided there until 1930, when they returned to Bucharest. He studied in France and Bucharest. Due to increased anti-Semitism, after the failed putsch by the Garda de Fier (Iron Guard), a pro-fascist paramilitary group, against Gen. Antonescu government, his father decided to send the only son, away, via MV Struma, to Palestine. MV (motor vessel) Struma left the Romanian port of Constanza on December 15, 1941 with 760-800 Romanian and European Jewish refuges trying to repatriate to Eretz Israel (ACTUAL ISRAEL), then Palestine, under a British Administrative Mandate. Due to a engine problem, the ship was intercepted close to the Istanbul harbor. It remaining at anchor in Istanbul, for more than 70 days, being refused entry in Palestine by the British High Commissioner, until it was forced towed by the Turkish military tugboat Aldemar into the south-east Black Sea and cut adrift. 
MV Struma, at the time, lacked any independent propulsion meanings, it's onboard Mercedes-Benz maritime engine was not functioning. Next day, Feb. 24, 1942, against all maritime international conventions and treaties, the ship was torpedoed, without warning, by the Soviet submarine SC-213, of the USSR Black Sea Fleet. In October 1942, SC-213, on his turn, was torpedoed and sunk with all hand on deck, by costal German U-boat close to the Constanza harbor. Until today, MV Struma disaster, has earned the sad title as the largest civilian loss of life in Black Sea maritime recorded history. All the refugees on board died, except the young David Stoliar, rescued more than 24 hours later. 

FROM HEDI ENGHELBERG_______________ 
David Stolear is not with us, anymore. ( Per su leyenda vivira con nosotros!) I had the pleasure and the honor to take the last interview with him , before his heart attack on 2013. He died in His home, in Bend, Oregon, with his caring wife, Marda, by his side, at 00:31 AM. But his legend will be living with us, and for many generations to come. We need people like David. His story was linking all the bad, the ugly and good in the WWII, like Nazi Germany, Romania, Soviet Union (USSR), England, Turkey, Israel and United States. 
David is a survivor. We have so few, today. 
David was a courageous person. We have so few today. 
David endured the horrors of the Holocaust. We have so few witnesses today. 
David was an example. We have so few raw models to follow, today. 
David was strong. We have so few strong leaders. 
Will be hard to imagine the world without David Stoliar, because he was the last witness to this great, great injustice represented by MV Struma and the Jewish refugees seeking repatriation. 
COVER: the book cover is the picture of the David Stoliar, from the transport ticket issued by the travel company in Bucharest. The original boat ticket rests at the Yad-VaShem Museum in Jerusalem. 

Hedi Enghelberg, Author

All details on Amazon site are here.

The trains of the Holocaust (English) - By Hedi Enghelberg

Thanks to Hedi Enghelberg that donated three books to Leolam Foundation.

For buying, contact us by email.


A look at how the European railway transport companies acted in agreement and assisted the operation of the Second and Final Phase of the Jewish Holocaust; for the implementation of the "Final Solution".

“Europe died at Auschwitz” | Sebastián Vivar Rodriguez Writer, Barcelona (Spain), receiver of the International Literatura Prize. 


THIS STUDY, is about how a modern railways system and the largest enterprise at the time, the Deutsche Reichsbahn [DRB], with its associated railways companies in each European country , before and especially after the Wannsee Conference in January 1942, contributed to the colossal scale of human beings transportation, evacuation and displacement, for the purpose and interment and slave workforces. The Nazi criminal regime (1933-1945), it’s military, civilian organizations, middle-level bureaucracy and associated dictatorial regimes all over Europe, succeeded in murdering millions of people and destroying a flourishing 900-years-old Jewish Culture in Europe. The Nazi’s goals of cashing in the gigantic financial assets stolen from the Jewish victims of the Holocaust greatly benefited them for financing an aggressive conquest war. In the process, they murdered of millions of humans across the continent: 6 millions Jews and other 20 million innocent civilians. An efficient railways system across the continent with more than 100,000 km of rail, (42,000 only in Germany proper) operated by the largest capitalist enterprise at the time, DRG, with more than 250,000 workers and a formidable 12,500 operational locomotives (KRIEGSLOKOMOTIVEN) lineup, totally sustained and assisted the Germany’s conquer wars and its formidable war machine, and as well aided the Nazi organizations in charge of the “Final Solution”. The European railway companies totally assisted the Nazis in the transportation segment by carrying out this infamous crime: The Holocaust. Without this collaboration the Holocaust could not happened on the scale we are witnessing from May 1945 until today. 

House Foreign Affairs Committee, U.S. House of Representatives, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Chairman | http://foreignaffairs.house.gov 

November 15, 2011. | Ros-Lehtinen Invites Holocaust Survivors to Testify on Lingering Injustices of the Holocaust. Hearing focuses on legal rights of survivors, accountability for railroad company which transported victims to death camps 

(WASHINGTON) – U.S. Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL), Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, is holding a hearing tomorrow titled “Righting the Enduring Wrongs of the Holocaust: Insurance Accountability and Rail Justice.” The hearing will focus on the injustice faced by Holocaust victims and their survivors. Many will critique how I supported the issues, but this is my point-of -view. We all know the tragic events of this aggressive war in Europe: 50 million dead, millions of injured and displaced, The Cold War and 6 million Jews murdered. It is very easy to make a critique, but we have to tell the story, in order to make sense of your civilization. The Holocaust should never happen again! 

Hedi Enghelberg March 2013, Fort Lauderdale. 

P.S. OF FEB.2015 | We have to mention the new wave of corrosive, focused, unwelcomed influence of Anti-Semitism in Europe and the many vandals and criminal attacks in France, Denmark, UK, Poland, Belgium and other place. This Anti-Semitic sentiment, felt in many structures of governments, social life and social media is a very complex process is very sui-generis, because occurs in almost a total absence, vacuum of an important presence of Jewish population in Europe.

All details on Amazon site are here.

Escape del ultimo tren de Auschwitz (Spanish) - By Hedi Enghelberg

Thanks to Hedi Enghelberg that donated three books to Leolam Foundation.

For buying, contact us by email.

Nota del Autor: Críticas Constructivas. 

Agradecemos su compra. Es presente libro es muy extenso, complexo, complicado, histórico. Tienes 600 páginas y 150,000 palabras que no se pueden descontar con una simple crítica. 

El Español/Castellano es el idioma del libro, pero no el idioma primario del Autor. Se hicieron grandes esfuerzos para traer este título a los lectores de habla Castellano. El presente libro es unos de los más extensos sobre el tema del Holocausto Judio en Romania y la Segunda Guerra Mundial. 
Sin hacer comparaciones, ni los libros de Cervantes, Cuello, Vargas Llosa, Gabriel Marquez estan sin fallas de algún error ortográfico, de redacción, de concepto. Todos los libros tienen errores. Les agradecemos de nuevo la compra del libro y sus críticas constructivas. Ejemplo: cómo evitar de nuevo un Holocausto, como evitar y combatir el terrorismo mundial, acerca de la tolerancia y la inclusión de las minoridades, problemas en la educación, etc. 

ESCAPE DEL ULTIMO TREN DE AUSCHWITZ (Historias del Holocausto Judio) 

“Escape Del ultimo tren de Auschwitz” by Hedi Enghelberg, it’s included on the Oxford University list of books for Genocide and Holocaust Studies as a historical biography. 
Este libro, como historia bibliográfica, hace parte de la lista de publicaciones recomendadas para el Estudio del Genocidio y del Holocausto, por la Universidad de Oxford. “Nunca en la historia de la humanidad, tan pocos, decidieron la muerte de tantos, en tan corto tiempo” | Hedi Enghelberg 

NOTA EDITORIAL: ESCAPE DEL ÚLTIMO TREN DE AUSCHWITZ: Corta historia de Europa 1914-1945, La Segunda Guerra Mundial, El Holocausto Judío; la Guerra Fría en Europa y Rumania. La emigracion hacia Israel y el final de la Cultura Judia en Romania. Entre 1933 y 1945, Europa estaba bajo el dominio del mal. Durante este periodo, las negras nubes de una guerra total, aportaron sin número de tragedias individuales, que moldearan varias generaciones que fueron asesinadas y maltratadas por el maligno genio de Adolfo Hitler y sus seguidores. Seis millones de Judíos fueron asesinados brutalmente por los alemanes armados e inspirados por Hitler. Casi 3 millones de judíos se salvaron de esta organizada e institucionalizada furia criminal, que no tiene igual en la historia de la Humanidad. Esta es la historia de uno de los cientos de miles de prisioneros judíos, que trabajo por más de cuatro años en la construcción de vías férreas, caminos, casamatas, bunkers y otras obras militares, en el frente de guerra del Este, para las fuerzas militares alemanes y Rumanas. Se escapó del último tren que salió de Rumania, en la noche del 23 de Agosto de 1944, cual destino final era Auschwitz. Sobrevivió la guerra, formo una familia, trabajo con dignidad y honestidad; fue testigo de los cambios de Europa, del Medio Oriente y del Mundo. 

Moises Enghelberg fue prisionero de la Guerra Fría, en un constante agite, y persecución por parte de los órganos de la Seguridad del estado; su vida ha sido basada en continua tensión y llena de miedos, hasta que emigro a Israel, el 16 de Diciembre de 1983. Al mediodía del 16 de Diciembre 1983, fue libre, por primera vez, en Tel Aviv, Israel. 

All details on Amazon site are here.
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